Happiness, Hope and a Couple of Tears. Maybe A Lot of Tears.

I wanted to write about a lot of things that happened over the past week and a half (one of them being about the Philippines, but that’ll come soon), but I just absolutely loved this story because it’s so inspiring and although it’s the best feel-good story, it made bawl my eyes out reading about it.

I’m sure you’ve heard about him: BatKid. The story of a little boy fighting leukemia and having his wish of being a superhero for a day being granted to him by the Make a Wish Foundation. The city of San Francisco was transformed into Gotham City for a day and called for BatKid to save a damsel in distress, stop the Riddler from robbing a bank, and stop the Penguin from kidnapping a mascot. Everyone was in on it – the police and fire departments, the thousands of people who came to watch and support, and the actors and actresses who helped bring this little boy’s wildest dreams into reality.

I can only imagine the happiness that BatKid (also known as Miles) felt as he was running through the streets of San Francisco, saving the day and putting bad guys behind bars. To be a child and have to deal with something so physically and mentally draining and to see the support behind you… Yea- that kid will remember that day for the rest of his life. Which will be long, since the leukemia is in remission. 🙂

Every time I heard or read updates about it on the news or internet I would just tear up and think about all the other things this little boy is meant to accomplish. I love the fact that there are people in this world who make it their mission to make other people happy – no matter how old or young they are. They are truly an inspiration…just as BatKid is.

Fight on, BatKid… Fight on.

Thanks for listening. Have a good week. 🙂 <— (click the face for the photo source.)